When we are trying to find any specific bank details for searching about their product/account details, terms and conditions, benefits, interest rates we have searched by individual bank names. The first question that comes to our mind that “How many commercial banks are there in Bangladesh?” also. Here we are trying to bring all bank’s names and links which help you to find out your desired information from one place.
Read Also: How to open a bank account in Bangladesh?
Banking sector in Bangladesh is characterized by strict regulations and monitoring by the central governing body Bangladesh Bank. Since independence Bangladesh Bank act as an authority for controlling, monitoring, and supervising banks operating in our country. According to Bangladesh Bank, banks which are operated in our country are;
Table of Contents
Types of Banks:
Banks in Bangladesh are classified into the following types:
- Scheduled Banks.
- Non-Scheduled Banks
Further Scheduled banks are categorized into the following types:
- State Owned Commercial Banks (SOCBs).
- Specialized Banks (SDBs).
- Private Commercial Banks (PCBs).
i) Conventional Private Commercial Banks.
ii) Islami Shariah based Private Commercial Banks.
- Foreign Commercial Banks (FCBs).
Number of commercial banks, their Branches and Web Links:
Following commercial banks are operated in our counry;
1. State Owned Commercial Banks (SOCBs):
In our country, There are 6 State Owned Commercial Banks which are fully or majorly owned by the Government of Bangladesh.
Sl Number | Name of The Banks | Number of Branches | Web Links |
1 | Agrani Bank PLC | 960 | https://www.agranibank.org |
2 | Sonali Bank PLC | 1225 | https://www.sonalibank.com.bd |
3 | Rupali Bank PLC | 585 | https://rupalibank.com.bd |
4 | BASIC Bank Limited | 69 | https://www.basicbanklimited.com |
5 | Janata Bank PLC | 915 | https://www.jb.com.bd |
6 | Bangladesh Development Bank Limited | 46 | https://www.bdbl.com.bd |
2. Specialized Banks (SDBs):
We have 03 specialized banks which are now functioning and founded for specific purposes like agricultural or industrial development. These banks are also owned by the Government of Bangladesh.
Sl Number | Name of The Banks | Number of Branches | Web Links |
1 | Bangladesh Krishi Bank | 1038 | https://www.krishibank.org.bd |
2 | Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank | 383 | https://www.rakub.org.bd |
3 | Probashi Kollyan Bank | 89 | https://www.pkb.gov.bd/ |
3. Private Commercial Banks (PCBs):
In our country till date 43 private commercial banks are functioning are majorly owned by individuals/private entities. Private commercial banks(PCBs) can be categorized into two groups:
- 33 Conventional Private Commercial Banks and
- 10 Islami Shariah based Private Commercial Banks
Serial Number | Name of The Banks (Conventional Private Commercial Banks (PCBs) | Number of Branches | Web Links |
1 | Bangladesh Commerce Bank Limited | 48 | https://bcblbd.com/ |
2 | Bank Asia Limited | 128 | https://www.bankasia-bd.com |
3 | Bengal Commercial Bank | https://www.bgcb.com.bd | |
4 | BRAC Bank Limited | 187 | https://www.bracbank.com |
5 | Citizens Bank Limited | https://www.ctznbank.com | |
6 | Community Bank Bangladesh PLC | 18 | https://www.communitybankbd.com |
7 | Dhaka Bank PLC | 106 | https://dhakabankltd.com |
8 | Dutch-Bangla Bank PLC | 181 | https://www.dutchbanglabank.com |
9 | Eastern Bank PLC | 86 | https://www.ebl.com.bd |
10 | EXIM Bank Limited | 100 | https://www.eximbankbd.com |
11 | IFIC Bank PLC | 136 | https://www.ificbank.com.bd |
12 | Jamuna Bank Ltd | 123 | https://www.jamunabankbd.com |
13 | Meghna Bank PLC | 47 | https://www.meghnabank.com.bd |
14 | Mercantile Bank PLC | 129 | https://www.mblbd.com |
15 | Midland Bank Limited | 34 | https://www.midlandbankbd.net |
16 | Modhumoti Bank Ltd. | 45 | https://modhumotibankltd.com/ |
17 | Mutual Trust Bank PLC | 118 | https://www.mutualtrustbank.com |
18 | National Bank Limited | 213 | https://www.nblbd.com |
19 | National Credit & Commerce Bank PLC | 109 | https://www.nccbank.com.bd |
20 | NRB Bank Limited | 36 | https://www.nrbbankbd.com |
21 | NRB Commercial Bank PLC | 83 | https://www.nrbcommercialbank.com |
22 | One Bank PLC | 95 | https://www.onebankbd.com |
23 | Padma Bank PLC | 57 | https://www.padmabankbd.com |
24 | Premier Bank PLC | 119 | https://premierbankltd.com/pbl/ |
25 | Prime Bank PLC | 146 | https://www.primebank.com.bd |
26 | Pubali Bank PLC | 482 | https://www.pubalibangla.com |
27 | Shimanto Bank PLC | 4 | https://www.shimantobank.com |
28 | South Bangla Agriculture & Commerce Bank Limited | 82 | https://www.sbacbank.com |
29 | Southeast Bank PLC | 133 | https://www.southeastbank.com.bd |
30 | The City Bank PLC | 102 | https://www.citybankplc.com/home |
31 | Trust Bank Limited | 114 | https://www.tblbd.com/ |
32 | United Commercial Bank Limited | 204 | https://www.ucb.com.bd/ |
33 | Uttara Bank PLC | 241 | https://www.uttarabank-bd.com |
Serial Number | Name of The Banks (Islami Shariah based Private Commercial Banks) | Number of Branches | Web Links |
1 | Union Bank PLC | 67 | https://www.unionbank.com.bd/ |
2 | Social Islami Bank Ltd. | 168 | https://www.siblbd.com |
3 | First Security Islami Bank PLC | 178 | https://www.fsiblbd.com |
4 | Global Islami Bank PLC | 80 | https://www.globalislamibankbd.com/ |
5 | Shahjalal Islami Bank PLC | 115 | https://www.sjiblbd.com/ |
6 | Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd | 374 | https://www.islamibankbd.com |
7 | ICB Islamic Bank Ltd. | 33 | https://www.icbislamic-bd.com/ |
8 | Bank Al-Falah Limited(Foreign) | 7 | https://www.bankalfalah.com |
9 | Al-Arafah Islami Bank PLC | 119 | https://www.aibl.com.bd/ |
10 | Standard Bank Limited | 113 | https://www.standardbankbd.com |
4. Foreign Commercial Banks (FCBs):
09 Foreign Commercial Banks (FCBs) are operating in Bangladesh which are fully owned by foreign citizen.
Sl Number | Name of The Banks | Number of branches (In BD) | Web Links (In BD) |
1 | Standard Chartered Bank | 26 | https://www.sc.com/bd/ |
2 | State Bank of India | 8 | https://bd.statebank/ |
3 | Woori Bank | 6 | https://www.wooribank.com |
4 | The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. Ltd. | 13 | https://www.hsbc.com.bd |
5 | National Bank of Pakistan | 4 | https://www.nbp.com.pk |
6 | Commercial Bank of Ceylon Limited | 17 | https://combank.net.bd/ |
7 | Citibank N.A | 3 | https://www.citi.com/ |
8 | Habib Bank Ltd. | 6 | https://www.hbl.com/bangladesh |
9 | AB Bank Limited | 86 | https://www.abbl.com |
- Non-Scheduled banks:
There are now 05 non-scheduled banks functioning in Bangladesh.
Sl Number | Name of The Banks | Number of branches | Web Links |
1 | Ansar VDP Unnayan Bank. | 26 | https://ansarvdpbank.portal.gov.bd |
2 | Karmashangosthan Bank | 251 | https://www.kb.gov.bd/ |
3 | Grameen Bank | 2567 | https://grameenbank.org.bd/ |
4 | Jubilee Bank | 1 | |
5 | Palli Sanchay Bank | 463 | https://www.pallisanchaybank.gov.bd/ |
01. How many banks are operated in our country?
In our country, there are 61 scheduled banks who are operating under full control and supervision of Bangladesh Bank which is empowered to do so through Bangladesh Bank Order, 1972 and Bank Company Act, 1991.
02. How many Shariah Based Islami banks operated in our country?
There are 10 Islami Shariah-based banks in our country and they operate banking activities according to Shariah-based principles. Namely:
01. Union Bank Limited,
02. Social Islami Bank Ltd.,
03. First Security Islami Bank Limited,
04. Global Islami Bank Limited,
05. Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited,
06. Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd.,
07. ICB Islamic Bank Ltd.,
08. Bank Al-Falah Limited,
09. Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited and
10. Standard Bank Limited.
03. How many Foreign Commercial Banks (FCBs) operated in Bangladesh?
There are 09 Foreign Commercial Banks (FCBs) operating in Bangladesh which are fully owned by foreign citizens and functioning mostly by Bangladeshi citizens.
04. How many Non-scheduled Banks operated in Bangladesh?
There are now 5 non-scheduled banks operating in Bangladesh namely
01. Ansar VDP Unnayan Bank,
02. Karmashangosthan Bank,
03. Grameen Bank,
04. Jubilee Bank,
05. Palli Sanchay Bank
External Links: